7 Boys Title Song: Unleashing the Majestic Power of Hard Rock with 'Sebhen Boiz' | Nepali Film (2014)
7 Boys Title Song: A Melodic Masterpiece by Manoj Chaulagain Vocal by Kausal Raj Khadka and Sanjaya Badal Seven Boys (2014) Prepare to be enthralled by the awe-inspiring title song of "7 Boys" entitled 'Seven Boys' from the enchanting Nepali film released in 2014. Under the visionary direction of Jeevan Century and the creative prowess of Bishal Lohane's penmanship, this cinematic gem brings together a symphony of exceptional musicians and vocalists to craft an extraordinary musical masterpiece. 7Boys: First Look- Title Song- Glimpse The grandeur of 'Seven Boys' lies in the impeccable composition by the prodigious Maestro Manoj Chaulagain, who effortlessly merges the raw energy of hard rock with the rich tapestry of Nepali musical traditions. The vocals, delivered with soul-stirring intensity by the remarkable Kaushal Raj Khadka and Sanjay Badal, elevate the song to transcendent heights, leaving an indelible mark on the hearts of listeners. 7Boys: Title S...