Raju Gaule: A Heartfelt Story of Courage and Survival in War-Torn Nepal

 Raju Gaule - A Nepali Short Film" is a powerful tribute to the human spirit and a testament to the courage and determination of those who have faced adversity. Don't miss this heartfelt story of courage and survival in war-time Nepal.

Raju Gaule Short Film: Best Background Music Nominated in Social Media Award 2078, Special Screening at First Dhaulagiri Film Festival 2021




Raju Gaule, a Nepali short film by A Bishal Lohani, depicts the harrowing experience of a young boy living in a village during the civil war in Nepal. The film tells a story of courage and survival, and sheds light on the impact of war on innocent lives.

Set during the conflict era in Nepal, Raju Gaule follows the story of a young boy named Raju, who lives in a village that has been affected by the ongoing war. One day, Raju is forcibly taken by the Maoist rebels (mawobadi) and is forced to join them in their fight against the government. The film follows Raju's journey through the war-torn Nepal, where he witnesses unimaginable horrors and faces countless challenges. Despite all the obstacles, Raju manages to escape and reunites with his family.

Cast and Crew:
Raju Gaule boasts an impressive cast and crew, featuring actors like Suraj Bishwakarma, ShalikGram, Radhika Kharti, and many others. The film is directed by A Bishal Lohani and produced by Pratiphal Films, with Ahuri Entertainment serving as the presenter.

Raju Gaule explores various themes, including the impact of war on innocent lives, the importance of family, and the resilience of the human spirit. The film also sheds light on the issue of child soldiers, a problem that continues to plague many countries around the world.


Raju Gaule is a powerful film that captures the human cost of war and the resilience of the human spirit. It serves as a reminder of the importance of peace and the devastating consequences of conflict. The film is a must-watch for anyone interested in the human condition and the impact of war on innocent lives.
"Raju Gaule"
Story/ Directed by Bishal Lohane

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